We are here! We are heeeere! We are Heeeeeeeeere!!!
(Read the last paragraph FIRST)
Cancer is not the only dreaded C word. Now Coronovirus has joined that infamous list. But I’d like to take this time to focus on some other C words. Challenge. Creativity. Compassion. Courage.
CHALLENGE. Couples and families are going to be spending a lot of time together in close proximity for extended periods of time. It may not be easy, but it is possible. Take it from me. Since she works with me, my wife and I spend approximately 95% of our time together. We work great together, but we each have our moments. We’re only human. Be patient. Be forgiving.
CREATIVITY. Let’s make the most of this situation. Our plans include calling clients to see how they are doing; AND I’ve been told we will be cleaning offices, top to bottom; throwing away any unnecessary items and organizing that which is necessary. (I’d rather talk with clients so if you call please feel free to talk as long as you want!!) What is your game plan for the next few weeks?
“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”
COMPASSION. We want to be prayerful and mindful of others.. A friend posted of a hospital’s need for hand sanitizer. I knew of an office who had large bottles, made a call and will deliver a large bottle today. Do what you can. When some one comes to mind I hope you will take time to call or send words of encouragement. Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.. . .” Just think! Your words could be medicinal.
COURAGE. The next few weeks will be something that none of us have experienced, but hopefully a few months down the road it will be just a memory. I recently read that none of us know how strong we are until that is our only choice! One. Day. At. A. Time.
In conclusion, we want to assure you WE ARE HERE to provide immediate attention for any of your financial service needs. We live in an era of virtual meetings and online applications. Face to face contact is no longer necessary.
You can reach us by phone or email if we can answer any questions or offer support.. Feel free to call even if you just want a friendly voice to talk with.
Just for fun, we will give a gift card (to be used when we celebrate the end of the stay-at-home order) to the first 5 people who call or email with the correct count of C words used in this message. Ready. Set. Go!
Schlappi Financial Group . 816.228.1050 . bruce@schlappi-fg.com