I plan to live for a long time. My doctor says I am healthy as a horse. But this one thing I know. Life is uncertain, death is certain. I have sold a great deal of life insurance over the years and I have seen, first hand, the benefits of planning for this time.
The following is my Love Letter to my wife and children included with my life insurance policies to be read at the time the policies are needed . . .
Dearest loved ones. We shared many wonderful moments, created special memories, exchanged hugs, gifts and cards. I hope the gift of these life insurance policies will be a gift that benefits you and your families for many years.
My message is the same; Life Insurance is a LOVE gift. I know I sound like a broken record, but I believe it to be true with all my heart. I gladly paid each premium because of my love for you, although at times it was a sacrifice.
For many years these life insurance contracts pulled double duty. Along with the permanent death benefit in place, I used the cash value for college tuition, business expenses unexpected health costs and more.
I was blessed to be able to put back all the money I borrowed from these contracts over time.
Each one of these policies is a love letter written from me to you. Each premium was paid with love and each dollar you receive because of these policies should remind you of that love.
You will soon surrender these policies and the insurance company will send you the money, which will provide for your well being. The proceeds from these policies will allow me to continue to give to you as I was blessed to do while I was with you.
You will be held accountable for your stewardship of this provision so seek council and live wisely. Always remember that God alone is the ultimate provider. Live with a grateful heart.
While these dollars will help to ease your financial burdens, never forget that it is God who has, is, and will be providing for you until we meet again.
It's much easier to write this letter now because of knowing that even if I can't predict the future I have prepared for it.
Now excuse me . . I have some living to do!