Rio Olympics 2016 is in the history books.
Wow! Such an inspirational display of athletic ability and Olympic spirit. Hard to pick a favorite performance - Simone Biles, Michael Phelps, Simone Manuel, Ashton Eaton.
Of course, we know behind the gold, silver and bronze medals are thousands of hours of practice and precise fitness training. What fascinates me more than the hours of hard work and dedication is the Olympic athlete's focus and passion.
Each Olympian has a different story, but ONE thing they all have in common. A COACH!
As talented as these individuals are they count on a good coach. Someone who evaluates, motivates and monitors the details of athletes' daily lives.
Cyclist, and gold medal winner, Kristin Armstrong said, "One of the best things I did for myself was hire a coach. If you trust in your coach, it takes the pressure off you."
You may be too old to train for the Olympics, but today is the perfect time to focus on retirement. By having a coach, you could navigate safely through today's financial turbulence.
How satisfying would it feel to stand securely on the retirement podium? I can't offer a gold medal, but I do have a small shiny token to send to those individuals ready to begin financial fitness training. Interested? I am ready to meet you with clipboard in hand.
Peace of mind is waiting at the finish line.
Bruce Schlappi is the president of Schlappi Financial Group, a Kansas City-based firm specializing in whole life insurance and annuities-based retirement savings plans.