September 11, 2001. Is there a day in history that so dramatically changed lives in just a few moments?
Many families were suddenly confronted with the devastating loss of a loved one. Words cannot adequately express the agony and grief.
And yet, life did not stop for the survivors. Children went back to school. Spouses returned to work. And no doubt it was painful.
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. This is a month devoted to helping people focus on making a decision to protect their loved ones with life insurance.
Life insurance can have many functions. Perhaps you are most familiar with how it is used to help ease pain and worry in the event of unforeseen loss of a loved one.
Life insurance does not replace a person, but it does provide much needed hope and financial security to navigate through the days and months following an unexpected death.
How much does life insurance cost? Can a dollar amount be attached to peace of mind?
A customized plan for every family is DO-able!
In the weeks to come I will be highlighting some life insurance essentials for you. Let's take the "ho-hum" out of the equation and make it practical for you and your family.